3 svenska ordböcker på en gång! / 3 Swedish dictionaries at one glance
Sök ett ord på svenska och få svar i alla tre böcker. / Look up a word and it is generated in all three.
This is a handy one, and something I have been missing. I use SAOL (Svenska Akademiens Ordlista), mostly the app version, and I recommend it to my customers however there is far from always the explanation of a word that my students need. The SO provides that. It also gives you the pronunciation if you click the loudspeaker symbol. The SAOL however contains more grammar so you would want both. SAOL and SO come as apps, but using the website below gives you all three at the same time.
As an example I have typed the word “fönster” in the search field.

SAOL – en ordlista / look up a word; pronunciation, inflection and declension etc.
SO – en ordbok / a thesaurus; the meaning of a word
SAOB en historisk ordbok / a historical wordbook, origins, etymology
Find the website here https://svenska.se/
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