Terms and GDPR


Lessons are paid for in advance.

Lessons paid for but yet not used are valid 12 months.

If you want to cancel or reschedule this must be done at least 24 hours prior to the lesson scheduled, or the lesson will be charged.

Collection of personal, identifiable data

Below you find information about how Globatris collects and handle your personal data according to GDPR/Dataskyddsförordningen.

(länk till Dataskyddsförordningen – på svenska)

(GDPR/Dataskyddsförordningen in different languages)

Your details will never be shared with anyone else.

Globatris gets email inquires from potential customers. In case an inquiry does not lead to a customer relationship the email and its data is erased within 3 months. The addresses are not collected for newsletters or anyone else. Addresses are not automatically added to the email client.

For those of you who are our customers, Globatris collects and save data for administration and handling regarding scheduling, invoicing, bookkeeping, planning the lessons, sending out suggested homework and individual tips for learning Swedish. Data is also saved regarding content of the lessons.

All electronic data is password protected.

For those of you who sign up for a newsletter the data will be stored and used for sending these out in and via Mailchimp. The data you provide is an email address and a name (which does not have to be an identifiable name). Globatris does not collect addresses and send out newsletters to people who has not signed up. Again, this data is not shared with anyone. Mailchimp is GDPR compliant. The subscriber may unsubscribe at any time.

Data for customers is saved as long as the customer relationship is ongoing, and until the customer asks to have the identifiable data removed.

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