

Swedish tutor

I am your Swedish tutor, via Skype. Or call it Swedish PT  if you want.

I help you navigate the linguistic and cultural quirks of Swedish, empowering you to speak the language comfortably.

For your benefit – and my passion – I create freedom and  flexibility, time and opportunities for learning, to fit your lifestyle.

“I’ve never taken skype lessons before, since I found Globatris and decided to give them I try. I have to say that they were even better than I thought at the first time. The lessons were very dynamic, focused on the topics you like the most. I felt myself very comfortable with Charlotta, she has been dedicated to every lesson, and you’ll have always any topic to chat or discuss with her. I felt she loves her work and that’s always a good point!” Thomas, Spain

Individual, effective and fun Swedish language lessons with a real live Swedish tutor; personal and individually tailored to help you conquer the language from the comfort of your own home. Or office. Or run in the park, provided you are not out of breath.

Learn more by going to Lessons or contact me at


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