Tag Archives: svensklektioner


Bokryggspoesi är precis vad det låter som.

Du bygger en text genom att använda titlar på böcker. Titlarna finns på bokryggarna. Välj några titlar. Ta fram böckerna.  Arrangera böckerna så att du får en ny text.  Stapla böckerna på varandra. Ta ett foto. Övar du svenska så använder du självklart svenska titlar.

Sätt igång!


Här är några av mina exempel:

Katten hoppade upp på bordet mitt under fotograferingen!


vid världens ände

De osynliga

skuggorna vänder tillbaka



Bokryggspoesi svenska

Hemliga vägar!

Skuggor i skogen.


Skuggornas barn …

Ibland blir skogen vred.


att stapla = att lägga/balansera i en hög

App question card game for practicing Swedish

App question card game for practicing Swedish

I give my students lots of questions. Sometimes the questions are easy to answer, sometimes they are not. I like to challenge my students. They like to be challenged! That’s how they improve and develop their Swedish language knowledge! I vary between letting my customers know the questions in advance or … just surprise them! When I send questions beforehand I expect longer answers and perhaps a discussion or an argument. When the questions are a surprise it usually reveals what needs to be worked on – spontaneous talking, vocabulary for a special topic, grammar or just expressing in Swedish that you do not know, or have never ever thought about that question before! It doesn’t so much matter what my students say as long as they say it in Swedish.

I have various tools for generating questions – first of all my creativity, then some board game cards and other topic cards.

Here is an app you can use for generating random questions. Try to answer a question on a daily basis.

The card game won the Intercultural Innovation Award in 2014. You can read more about the project and the card game here.


On ITunes App-store

Spel att öva svenska
More than one story