Tag Archives: music

Höstsånger – fall songs in Swedish

Höstsånger kan vara ett sätt att lära sig svenska. Tänd ett ljus, kryp upp i soffan och lyssna och mys. Försök förstå orden och sjung med i refrängerna! Du hittar en lista med förslag på höstsånger längre ned i inlägget.

“Höst” in Swedish means fall, or autumn. Fall is entering late this year. Some years it is even winter by now also in the southern parts of Sweden. This year however it is still meteorological summer in the south of Sweden.

However November is here, and so is the rain and the dark nights. So let’s light a candle or two, and listen to some music of the season, in Swedish of course. I have compiled a list of fall songs in Swedish. Criteria? They all contain the word “höst” in the title, except for the last ones on the list, and most of them are sung fairly clearly for you to be able to listen to the words. As usual, sing along to practice prosody! Not interested in singing but speaking 😉 ? If you need help to improve your Swedish  conversational skills go here to learn more.

Höst på min planet – Lars Winnerbäck Lars Winnerbäck – Höst på min planet

Höstens färger – Mauro Scocco

Mellan sommar och höst – Marie Fredriksson

Höstvals – Tomas Ledin

Höstlegender – Masse, Petter

Innan höstlöven faller – Thorleifs

Hösten – Lisa Ekdahl

Höstlöven dansar – Nordman

Höst – Cajsa Stina Åkerström

Höstens guld – Sofia Karlsson

Höstkänning – Ola Magnell

Höstvisa – Ainbusk

Höst – Björn Afzelius

Gula höstlöv – Lasse Stefanz

Höst – Niklas Lind

Minns i november – Olle Ljungberg

November – Bo Kaspers orkester

November – Pernilla Andersson

Sjung nu med i dessa höstsånger! Lycka till!

Det finns … svenska substantiv/ There is …nouns in Swedish

Det finns … svenska substantiv

Scroll down for English. Lär dig fler svenska substantiv och frasen “det finns…”. Öva också på att lyssna på svenska språket i denna övning.

Lyssna på sången nedan. Det finns länkar till Spotify och YouTube. Sångaren Mauro Scocco sjunger “det finns …” många gånger. Försök att förstå vad som finns. Det finns också en länk till texten.

Du kan göra övningen på olika nivåer.


Mauro sjunger “Det finns fiskar i havet, men det är aldrig någon som ser dem.”

Nivå 1: Du skriver “Det finns fiskar.”

Nivå 2 är svårare: “Det finns fiskar i havet.”

Nivå 3 är svårast: Det finns fiskar i havet, men det är aldrig någon som ser dem.”

Viktigast är nivå 1. Försök att hitta så många saker som möjligt.

Prova sedan nivå 2.


Aquire nouns in Swedish. Learn the phrase “det finns ..” (there is/are …). Practice listening to and understand Swedish in this activity.

Listen to the song. The singer songwriter sings “det finns…” repeteadly. Try to understand what there is. Find nouns.

There are varying levels for this exercise.


Mauro sings  “Det finns fiskar i havet, men det är aldrig någon som ser dem.”

Level 1 You write: “Det finns fiskar.”

Level 2 is more difficult: “Det finns fiskar i havet.”

Level 3 is advanced: “Det finns fiskar i havet, men det är aldrig någon som ser dem.”

Level 1 is the most important one. Try to find as many nouns as you can. Then continue to level 2 if you want to.




Idas sommarvisa

“Idas sommarvisa”, or “Du ska inte tro det blir sommar” is a popular spring/summer song among school children in Sweden.  It is often seen as a non-religious alternative to hymns (even though there is a reference to “someone to take action” in the lyrics – which of course is free to interpretation). The song is widely used during the ceremony of the last day of school (skolavslutningen) before the summer break.

“Idas sommarvisa” was featured in the Emil movie from 1973.

Lyrics by Astrid Lindgren.

Learning about this tune and perhaps part of the song/a few new words is good practice not only for learning the Swedish language but also a for getting to know Swedish culture.

Listen via Youtube:

Listen via Spotify. Use the lyrics function in Spotify to see the words.

the Sami languages

The Sami languages conform a group of languages spoken in the Northern parts of Sweden (as well as in Northern parts of Norway, Finland and Russia). Sami is one of the official minority languages in Sweden.

“Joik” means song in Sami.

Take a moment to listen to Jon Henrik Fjällgren’s joik.

Note: 4 more minority languages are recognized in Sweden; Finnish, Romani, Yiddish and Miänkieli.

Music in the Swedish language – the perfect video to practice Swedish

My pick of music in the Swedish language this month! To learn pop culture, or for you to practice pronunciation, intonation and to acquire new vocabulary. Best of all – the artist himself provides the text in writing! A must see video – I love it!

Vocabulary list at the bottom of this post.

If you want to listen via Spotify:

Josef Johansson – Tysta leken

tysta leken = the quiet game (the one who makes a noise is eliminated)

åka ut = to be eliminated (in a game), to be sent out of a room

att bry sig om = to care about/for

nån’ting – slang for “någonting” = something, anything

en Håkan sång = a song by Håkan Hellström (link to one of Håkan’s songs)


Koppången. The name of a nature preserve in the Swedish region of Dalarna. You will learn the name today however because it is also the name of an amazingly beautiful Swedish song. It was released in 1998 by Per-Erik Moraeus; lyrics by Py Bäckman.

The song gains in popularity every Christmas time.

Koppången has been recorded by numerous artists; this version is sung by Sanna Nielsen and is also supported by musiXmatch for you to follow the lyrics visually. You can find musiXmatch as an app in Spotify.

Instrumental – oh so wonderful, but you are missing out on practicing the Swedish vocabulary – unless you have learned some of the lyrics already and want to sing along on your own!