Tag Archives: lessons

Swedish via Skype

Do you want to learn Swedish but don’t really feel you have the time to go to a class? Perhaps there is not even a class to go to where you are!

Are you learning Swedish but feel you do not get enough quality time and practice in class?

“Finding Charlotta was a turning point for me. It was a critical time as I was starting to work in Sweden. I was able to fit the lessons around a busy schedule and they were good fun! Charlotta answered all my questions and improved my grammar, pronunciation and fluency.” Catherine

I provide accessible and effective Swedish language lessons via Skype. My sessions are flexible,  personal and individually tailored to help you conquer the language and getting comfortable speaking Swedish.  Via Skype I teach, mentor and inspire you to learn Swedish as well as to improve it; no matter level.  Want to drop me an email of interest already? charlotta@globatris.se

As an individual having experienced crowded schedules in a corporate as well as a stay-at-home mom world I know the value of accessible competent and professional assistance. As an ex-expatriate I also appreciate the value of getting powerful and appropriate language training – including cultural references – to be able to build stronger relationships at the workplace, and to reach a quicker and higher degree of integration in a new society. And who does not want to be able to manage in the local language while on vacation, or just have one country and  a language that has that special place in one’s heart?

You are most probably aware of the many benefits of learning a language.  Here is an article on the subject.

Curious to find out what difference my services have made to my customers’ Swedish language knowledge? Find out here how my tutoring have helped my customers to get confident speaking Swedish!

Go to my page lessons to learn more about Swedish via Skype.

Lära in nya ord

När du ska lära in nya ord hjälper det att sätta orden i ett sammanhang. Då är det lättare att komma ihåg dem. Glöm inte att skriva orden – gärna för hand eftersom handen aktiverar hjärnan och håller igång hjärncellerna! Då blir det lättare för dig att komma ihåg orden. Vi vill ha ett aktivt ordförråd!

Använd denna modell för att lära in nya ord och memorera dem:

Skriv ordet:

Skriv betydelsen:

Skriv minst en exempelmening:

Kontrollera att du vet hur du uttalar ordet (googla och använd t.ex. Forvo). Säg ordet högt när du övar.

Fundera också på hur ordet “känns”. Positivt, starkt, som slang, otrevligt, formellt? Exempel djur/best

Använd ordet när du pratar / skriver / använder sociala media!

En kvinna som studerar svenska. Hon håller på att lära in nya ord.

så pratar vi på våren

Det finns alltid nya ord att lära sig. Visst är det kul?! Har du tänkt på att en ny säsong innebär att du behöver använda/lära dig nya ord?  Ord på våren kan till exempel handla om att äta utomhus, eller den förändring som sker i naturen. När du klickar på länken nedan kommer du till en lista med vårord. Du kan ladda ned listan, eller skriva ut den.

In English: A new season means new words to discover! Click below to find your list of spring/early summer essential vocabulary.

Swedish cottage

Swedish Christmas vocabulary

Christmas time is here. Again! Whether you celebrate the tradition of Christmas or not you might be interested in picking up a word or two in Swedish, related to the season.

I made and shared this poster on Swedish Christmas last year and have been asked to post it again. After all; it’s Christmas every year. 😉
This poster is free to print (you would make me happy though if you shared it or left a comment) – put it up somewhere where you make sure you lay your eyes on the words at least daily. Don’t forget to use the words!

Simply right click on the poster to print it.


Swedish christmas words
Svenska julord

Sju sjösjuka sjömän

Good morning! Let’s warm up our voices today with some Swedish tongue twisters. Let’s start with an easy one:

Får får får? Nej, får får inte får, får får lamm.

Do sheap have sheep? No, sheep don´t have sheep, sheep have lambs.

Now that was easy yet … odd.

Time to move on to those you try to repeat correctly as many times as possible.

Sex laxar i en laxask.

Six salmons in a salmon-box.

Packa pappas kappsäck.

Pack daddy’s suitcase.

Lastly and usually the most tricky one for non-native speakers. Unless you´re Dutch and go for a Gothenburg-accent – there are similarities to your advantage!

Sju sjösjuka sjömän på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai.

Seven seasick sailors on the sinking ship “Shanghai”.

If you aim higher try to add “sköttes av sju sköna sjuksköterskor”  – nursed by beautiful nurses. I get a lot of questions on this sound from expats and during my Swedish classes. Listen to the sound via Forvo.com

I am sure you can find several versions of “Sju sjösjuka sjömän …” on YouTube.

What do you call a person from ___ (fill in the blank) in Swedish? nationalities

Nationalities in Swedish

Today I present a link to a list of countries and nationalities in Swedish. It can be found at TT Nyhetsbyrån’s website as a tool for journalists, or anyone who writes. But we do use nationalities when speaking too, don’t we?

Here is the link.

The list is useful not only if you are learning Swedish but also to Swedes. There are quite a few countries around our globe and I am sure even as a Swede you will find a few nationalities on the list that you have never used before!

Sommarpratare i P1 

Swedish lessons Skype

Dags för årets sommarpratare, också kallade sommarvärdar! Du kan lyssna på dem på Sveriges Radio, P1.

Ett utmärkt tillfälle att öva svenska, och att ta del av intressanta historier.

Många pratar om Sommarpratarna på jobbet under fikarasterna, och med vänner och bekanta. Då är det bra att känna till fenomenet, och kanske även ha lyssnat på i alla fall några av dem.

Du kan ladda ned en kalender med Sommarpratarna.

Vilka ska du lyssna på?

Här är en länk till en engelsk introduktion 

Här är en länk till programsidan 

Swedish conversation classes

Time to sign up for individual Swedish conversation classes via Skype.

Any resolutions or promises of investment in yourself for the new year? Maybe it is time to start the language lessons you have been thinking about.

There are openings daytime and evenings to start speaking Swedish. Contact charlotta@globatris.se to find out more on pricing and availability, and on how I can assist you in learning or improving your Swedish.

Maybe you want to work on your pronunciation. Perhaps you are interested in writing and want assignments or prompts followed by feedback? Or perhaps you are looking for suitcase Swedish for an upcoming trip to Sweden. Maybe you are new to Swedish.