Tag Archives: #decemberverb

Svenska julord / Swedish Christmas vocabulary

Swedish Christmas – svensk jul

Some of you have heard of skumtomtar and julmust.

Some of you have tried it.

And some of you love it!

Some of you have followed the #decemberverb challenge and have learnt verbs related to Swedish Christmas.

Some of you have expanded your Swedish vocabulary with the words from the Swedish Christmas mini print.

Here is yet another resource with some holiday season related words. ordlista julord

Illustrating as a tool for learning new vocabulary

If you have a hard time remembering a certain word in a new language try illustrating it (in the broader sense of the word)!  You can also try sentences and expressions.

Set your mind free! This is also a great way for children where play meets learning.

Cut out letters from a magazine and glue them back on a piece of paper, use brushes and paint, a swirly handwriting or yarn. Take a piece of play dough and try to shape the word, take pictures or make a stop motion video.

You can also use lego, flower petals, different apps, a microphone, cookie dough, a co-actor, pens and pasta, sand or snow. If you are in Sweden you can use Kaviar to write on your sandwhich.