Tag Archives: classes
Expressions in Swedish using the word “grön” (green)
Spring has arrived and the nature is practically exploding around us! Every possible shade and shape of green is offering its beauty. Rest your eyes and mind on dancing foliage; use your senses and memorize a new expression; expressions in Swedish using the word “grön” (green). Some of the phrases and idioms are used in several languages.
First I’ll give you two expressions that are often used in reference to nature, garden and outdoor life as well as healthy food:
grönt och skönt
grönt är skönt
grönt – here referencing the color green, vegetables or greenery
skön = nice, comfortable, fine, beautiful
Phrases and idioms:
Att komma på grön kvist = to end up in a financially good position. “De har minsann kommit på grön kvist.”
Att ge grönt ljus till någon = to give someone the green light (permission) “Jag gav honom grönt ljus”.
Att få grönt ljus = to receive a permission, “good to go”, to get a green light. “De fick båda grönt ljus av chefen.”
Att vara grön av avund = to be jealous. “Han blev grön av avund!”
gröna vågen = “green wave”; the trend in the 70’s seeing young families leaving the cities moving out to the countryside in Sweden
att ha gröna fingrar = to be good at keeping plants and garden; to have green fingers; to have a green thumb. “Hon har verkligen gröna fingrar!”
Gräset är alltid grönare på andra sidan. = The grass is always greener … Other circumstances might appear more desirable than one’s own but in reality they are not.
Idas sommarvisa
“Idas sommarvisa”, or “Du ska inte tro det blir sommar” is a popular spring/summer song among school children in Sweden. It is often seen as a non-religious alternative to hymns (even though there is a reference to “someone to take action” in the lyrics – which of course is free to interpretation). The song is widely used during the ceremony of the last day of school (skolavslutningen) before the summer break.
“Idas sommarvisa” was featured in the Emil movie from 1973.
Lyrics by Astrid Lindgren.
Learning about this tune and perhaps part of the song/a few new words is good practice not only for learning the Swedish language but also a for getting to know Swedish culture.
Listen via Youtube:
Listen via Spotify. Use the lyrics function in Spotify to see the words.
Make sentences in Swedish – game
Let’s build some sentences in Swedish today! Use this game – Bella Bävers ordlek – to make sentences; silly ones or perfectly normal ones – you decide! Click “spela upp meningen” to hear the result. It’s a children’s game and kids most definitely have a lot of fun playing this. I am sure it can amuse an adult or two too, and you will most likely pick up some new vocabulary while reinforcing how to make simple sentences in Swedish. 🙂
The word game can be found on the Swedish Radio’s website.
Hej! Learning Swedish?
Interested in learning Swedish? I am Charlotta. Welcome on board!
“I had got as far as I could using text books and CDs etc. and really needed a way to practise thinking and speaking Swedish ‘on the fly’. The lessons with Charlotta have been exactly what I needed. It has been amazing how in quite a short time, I am now able to express my thoughts and opinions in Swedish on the many topics we cover during the sessions.” David, UK
No matter if you are learning Swedish as a foreign language, as a second or as a first language/mother tongue you are most likely looking for a smart and convenient way to learn. I am offering tutoring via Skype to ensure that you can fit lessons around your busy life; enjoying the freedom of being anywhere in the world – for business or for pleasure – and still allow yourself time to invest in your Swedish language proficiency.
“This sounds interesting; take me directly to Lessons to learn more.”
The blog contains tips and tricks for learning Swedish (sometimes applicable to any language). You will also find posts on Swedish culture and traditions to improve your sense of belonging to Sweden and the language; whether you live here or not, whether you travel here in real life or in your armchair.
Alright; let’s begin!
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