Learn a language using both brain halves

Do you learn a language using both brain halves? Our brains are divided into two halves; hemispheres. They each take care of different activities. The right one is usually referred to as the visual and creative side, while the left stands for logical and analytical functions. It is suggested that a combination of both sides is beneficial when acquiring a language. I have tried this with success when I a few years ago ran language & craft shops combined for kids.

I also encourage you as a language learner to activate both brain halves when learning a new word. For instance – think of slicing a yellow lemon when you learn the word sour in a language; picture the drops of fruit juice on the slicing board. Best of all; taste a slice of lemon. Here is the word in Swedish – “sur”!

bowl of lemons
“Sur som en citron”
en citron = a lemon

Another way for you to activate both brain hemispheres when learning a language  is to follow instructions for something you do with your hands or body – either written or by watching a video – and do it. It could be craft, baking, a sports exercise etc.

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