Denmark has ”hygge” and us Swedes have ”mys”. “Mys” is explained in the Swedish Academy Glossary as – my own translation – well-being coming from snug and cozy environment, or a nice, cozy activity. Think fika; hugging and kissing; drinking a glass of wine; sitting in front of the fire; being snowed in yet warm and safe; reading a book with your child on the couch; resting under a woolly blanket; having a cat lying on your chest, purring; flickering candles; having a family picnic in a sunny opening in a forest.
We use the word in different combinations, creating new words. Below you find a list of what I came to think of.
ett fredagsmys = explained here
mysbyxor = pants in comfortable material, for leisure
ett mysplagg = garment in comfortable material for leisure
en mysdress = garments in comfortable material for leisure; word much used in the 70’s
en mysbelysning = dimmed lights for a cozy ambience
en myshörna = cozy corner for relaxation
ett mysrum = cozy room for down time, particularly used in preschool for reading or resting (we are not likely to have a spare room in our houses or apartments to use just as “mysrum” 🙂 )
en mysfaktor = ”coziness factor”
ett myspys = a cozy moment, might involve hugs and kisses and even more but does not have to
en mysstund = cozy moment, for instance with your toddler to snuggle up, and enjoying some ”mys”
omysigt = not cozy
en mysrysare = a soft horror movie or book
The verb “mysa” has two meanings. One is having a cozy time (compare all of the above), and the other is to beam (contentment).
Some examples using the verb in differents tenses:
Vi myser inomhus idag; det är kallt ute.
I går myste/mös Hanna och Jakob med te och en brasa.
Mormor myste mot barnen. (the beaming-version of the verb)
Hon hade myst 30 minuter med en filt i soffan, när telefonen ringde.
The verb is “att mysa” – Katten myser i solen.
The adjective is “mysig” – Det är en mysig villa. Det är ett mysigt hus.
The adverb is “mysigt” – Ljuset skiner så mysigt.
My favorite Swedish word: a soft, comforting name for a soft, comforting feeling. Mmmmm. vad mysigt…
Du har rätt – jag har inte tänkt på det så tidigare! Mmmmm – mysigt!