During summer the word “smultronställe” keeps popping up in Sweden; in conversations but especially in magazines. There are few interviews or portraits that leave out the question “where is your smultronställe?” You also find headlines and articles on the subject “top 25 smultronställen in …”
Ett smultronställe is a noun meaning that special place treasured or yet to be discovered. It could be an idyllic opening in the forest, a quiet beach, a small village, your childhood summer farm, a charming café or just about anyplace that is special to you, that you cherish and that has a special place in your heart.
“Smultron” is the sweetest of berries and translates to wild strawberry in English.
“Ställe” means place in Swedish.
ett smultron, två smultron
ett ställe, två ställen
ett smultronställe, två smultronställen