Spring has arrived and the nature is practically exploding around us! Every possible shade and shape of green is offering its beauty. Rest your eyes and mind on dancing foliage; use your senses and memorize a new expression; expressions in Swedish using the word “grön” (green). Some of the phrases and idioms are used in several languages.
First I’ll give you two expressions that are often used in reference to nature, garden and outdoor life as well as healthy food:
grönt och skönt
grönt är skönt
grönt – here referencing the color green, vegetables or greenery
skön = nice, comfortable, fine, beautiful
Phrases and idioms:
Att komma på grön kvist = to end up in a financially good position. “De har minsann kommit på grön kvist.”
Att ge grönt ljus till någon = to give someone the green light (permission) “Jag gav honom grönt ljus”.
Att få grönt ljus = to receive a permission, “good to go”, to get a green light. “De fick båda grönt ljus av chefen.”
Att vara grön av avund = to be jealous. “Han blev grön av avund!”
gröna vågen = “green wave”; the trend in the 70’s seeing young families leaving the cities moving out to the countryside in Sweden
att ha gröna fingrar = to be good at keeping plants and garden; to have green fingers; to have a green thumb. “Hon har verkligen gröna fingrar!”
Gräset är alltid grönare på andra sidan. = The grass is always greener … Other circumstances might appear more desirable than one’s own but in reality they are not.